Blog personal de un tarracofermense

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jueves, 15 de abril de 2010 english post.

Just, in order to practice my english, I would try to write something on here.
First of all Iwant to apologise all my english readers, because my english level and also all the grammar and ortograpy mistakes I do in this post.
Probably you know somthing about me and my blog called "Tarracoferma", just a myself invented place not located in any where. I am a "family man" with two dougters and married since MM (2.000 in roman numbers).

I have been here (on net) since two moths ago. At the moment is a good experience, because I can writte about any materia I want and this feels me a bit free and give me the oportunity to think. The freedom of writting on here is to big ,that I can writte in english without taking care of my foults... It's also a good experience because I begin to know interesting people who is a blogger like me! in these way I enjoy reading them and also writting some coments on theirs blogs.

Ok this is I can writte, sorry by my english. You will be very "wellcome" for visiting me, and I would aprecite your comments and corrections.

4 comentarios:

  1. Pues me haces trabajar... ejem. Incapaz ya de escribir, pero contenta de habértelo entendido todo... jajajaja.


    A descansar, que hoy es viernes!!!

  2. Ok Ana!

    cenquiu for visiting mi!
    gut uiquend!

    i am beri japi!

  3. Respuestas
    1. Hi darling!!
      I like your post. But I´m afraid that my english it´s worst als yours. And sometimes I write some words and I´m not pretty sure if I´d write them in english or not, juas.
      Since 2000? Your a hero!! A survivor. Good for you. I´m married since 2004 and I´m fed up. Bis zum las narices. Hostia, wait, til my nose., or something like this.
      Little kisses, big kisses and kissazos.


Si por algún motivo técnico no pueden publicar comentario, pueden enviarlo a y haré lo posible para publicar. Un saludo.